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A particle, carrying a charge of one coulomb (C), and moving perpendicularly through a magnetic field of one tesla, at a speed of one metre per second (m/s), experiences a force with magnitude one new ..... ton (N), according to the Lorentz force law. That is, T = N ⋅ s C ⋅ m . {\displaystyle \mathrm {T={\dfrac {N{\cdot }s}{C{\cdot }m}}} .} As an SI derived unit, the tesla can also be expressed in terms of other units. For example, a magnetic flux of 1 weber (Wb) through a surface of one square meter is equal to a magnetic flux density of 1 tesla.[2] That is, T = W b m 2 . {\displaystyle \mathrm {T={\dfrac {Wb}{m^{2}}}} .} Expressed only in SI base units, 1 tesla is: T = k g A ⋅ s 2 , {\displaystyle \mathrm {T={\dfrac {kg}{A{\cdot }s^{2}}}} ,} where A is ampere, kg is kilogram, and s is second.[2] Additional equivalences result from the derivation of coulombs from amperes (A), C = A ⋅ s {\displaystyle \mathrm {C=A{\cdot }s} }: T = N A ⋅ m , {\displaystyle \mathrm {T={\dfrac {N}{A{\cdot }