About Us

About Us

Welcome to itsallaboutthecontacts.com, a unique website which helps people post and get all kinds of jobs (whether it's a Full-time position,Shift Jobs(Hourly) or just a one-time gig) and post and find roomates/affordable housing.

Plus you can use our website to promote your business/service and establish valuable contacts along the way!


I started this website with four primary goals:

  • To help as many people as I could jobwise
  • To give the opportunity to establish valuable contacts (Career & Business)
  • To help people promote their business
  • Find /list accommodations (Residential and Commercial)


Over the course of my professional career, I learned one very important lesson. You need to establish valuable contacts and foster meaningful relations whether you want to advance your career or just grow your business.

More important than what you know, its really who you know that matters.

Its all about the contacts, it really is...


Nazar A Sayed
Founder naz@itsallaboutthecontacts.com

Dennis Dominic
(Website Architect)
CEO & Founder (Dream Wizardz)